Monday 28 June, 12.30-2pm, 21 Prescot Street, E1 8BB The Royal College of Psychiatrists has given its “Enabling Environments” award to prison Close Supervision Centres (CSCs) – segregation units where prisoners are often held in solitary confinement, locked in their cell 22 or more hours per day for months or years with no independent right of appeal. More than 15 days in solitary is considered torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment, under the UN Nelson Mandela rules. CSCs are racist institutions in which approximately 50% of prisoners are Muslim, despite Muslims being only 5% of the UK population. This complicity must stop now. Despite protests and an open letter signed by over 60 organisations and many prominent individuals Dr. Adrian James, RCP president has responded with platitudes about “equality and diversity”. We have to disrupt the RCP’s work until this professional body stops covering up for institutional racism and abuse. We’ll make noise and make ourselves heard on behalf of all the prisoners who have no voice outside prison walls. Bring something to make a lot of noise! |
Sponsors: Legal Action for Women (LAW) Payday men’s network, Joint Enterprise Not Guilty by Association (JENGbA), Women of Colour Global Women’s Strike, Community Action on Prison Expansion (CAPE), Fight Racism Fight Imperialism (FRFI), Prisoner Solidarity Network (PSN) |
Protest Royal College of Psychiatrists covering up prison abuse.
Filed under Miscarriages Of Justice, Prison