Questions about your family situation
Please email your answers to to help us know what your situation is and the help you might need. Any information you send is confidential.
Do you live in London or outside?
How many children do you have?
Are your children living with you? If not, where are they?
How old are they?
Are you a single parent?
Is the children’s father on their birth certificate?
When did your case start?
Have you suffered domestic violence? Did you report it? What was the outcome?
Do you or your children have a disability?
Are social services/CAFCASS involved in your case?
What stage is your case at now e.g. do you have any court cases, meetings with social services or CAFCAS coming up?
If so what date and what are they about?
Do you have a lawyer and if so what firm are they from and what are they saying they can do to help you?
Do you have other support from friends, family, carers?
What particular help do you need?